Local & Regional Stations
Radio & TV History
Sports on Radio & TV
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Radio-related resources
Gateway City Radio - a St. Louis site with a Kansas City section and a well-traveled message board.
KC Talk - Incorporates forums for a variety of Kansas City subjects, including radio.
Bottom Line Communications - Includes a section on Kansas City media news.
Radio-Info.com - A collection of radio message boards.
Radio Insight - A collection of radio message boards.
Radio Soapbox - a collection of message boards geared toward radio programmers.
100000watts.com - Contains information for all US radio and TV stations (and bordering Mexican and Canadian stations). It is a powerful resource, but by subscription only.
Old Kansas City - Contains numerous historic images of Kansas City. Subscription only.
Super Q Tribute - A tribute to KBEQ's 1973-1979 Super Q days.
All Access Music Group - great information about Radio, TV and the music industry.
Society of Broadcast Engineers - Kansas City Chapter
Richie Kennedy's history site - which includes radio.
Mark Roberts' KC Radio History - The original, the mother of KC radio sites.
Copyright 1996-current, Rob "The Rob" Zerwekh